Saturday, April 14, 2012


It happens to us all.  We hit a wall, a stumbling block.  It is never fun.  Take me, for example.  I have been doing so well.  I was loosing weight at a very decent rate of 1-1.5 lbs a week.  I even got down to 220 lbs.  I was very excited.  Then, the scale started going in the wrong direction.  So, I took out my measuring tape.  Nope, pretty make the same measurements too.  Now, this would be the time to get depressed and to throw in the towel.  But is that really what I want to do?  No way!  I am on this road because I want to make a difference and change myself.  So what if the universe is against me at the moment!!  That is not going to stop me from striving even harder than before.  I can DO this, I can achieve my over all health goals!  The only person stopping me, is myself.  So, now what. I take a good look in the mirror and think, what has happened.  I think back to the previous Easter week and think of some of that blasted Easter candy I ate.  Not the best choice.  I could sit here and beat myself up about all of this and just focus on the negative things, but this is not the time to do that! Positive thinking!!!!  On the to the positive things.
 I stepped out of the shower the other day and was kinda blown away.  Opposite my shower, you have no choice but to see yourself in the giant mirror over the sink.  As I was drying off, I saw something strange.  I noticed there was a gap between my knees.  I thought I was seeing things, so I explored further.  I stood in front of the mirror in my usual way of standing, and yup, there was space between my knees.  For the first time in I don't know how long, my knees are NOT rubbing together when I stand or walk!  I have noticed that my walking has changed as well.  Many of us out there when thicker thighs know that they tend to rub together when you walk.  Which I mean fro the knees the up.  Not so with me anymore.  My legs are really slimming down.  It is incredibly amazing!  My muscles are stronger and starting to define my legs.  This is why I keep working.  I have noticed that my arms are getting much smaller as well.  Silly thing to notice, but I have seen that when I brush my teeth in the morning, my arms aren't flapping.  When I flex my arms, I am surprised by the amount of muscle I can feel under the fat layer.  The fit lady inside of me is screaming to be released!

Yes, at the moment I may be discouraged.  But I am taking steps to overcome this.  We all know that anything worth having is worth working for.  I can't expect to change over night.  It took 15 years to get me to this point.  It isn't all going to be reversed in a matter of weeks.  So buck up and stiff upper lip!  I will get through this block and be better than ever.  I have a 5K to train for!  I am walking on April 28 in Mt. Clemens Let's Move Festival of Races.  Come down and check it out!  And look for yours truly!  I'll be the one, red in the face, crawling over the finish line with a huge smile on my face!!!!

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